Fleming Islands
Exterior House Painting Professionals
Over 20 years of Experience
Licensed and Insured
We like to use quality products to provide a professional paint job that will not only improve the appearance of your home but protect it for years to come. Painting your home is the most noticed improvement to your property as this is the first and most important to keep the life of your home protected from the sun and weather. We would love to be your painting contractor!
"Quality work at an affordable price".
Thank you for your consideration in having us improve your home, we enjoy what we do and hope we can meet you in person and hopefully become your painting contractor. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
We have painted many homes in all of clay county including the Fleming Island area communities such as Eagle Harbor, Fleming Island Plantation, Harbor Island, Pace Island, Paradise Moorings and Magnolia Point. In addition to the communities we also paint in many neihborhoods in Lake Asbury, Middleburg and Green Cove Springs any resident of clay county.
If your zip code is 32003, we are your neighbor. As we have resided in Fleming Island Plantation for over 10 years and have painted many homes in the community.
We would love to give you a free quote and answer any questions you have. Call Text or E Mail anytime.
Google Review— 5 star *****
"Fleming Island Painters
Paul and Tammy did a terrific job painting our home. Their work is very thorough and
"I highly recommend them painting your home!"
Due to the large volume of sales calls we suggest texting your info so we do not miss your call.